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(Translated by DeepL)
アクセサリーやウィッグ、メガネなど自分の好みにカスタムできるオナホール『MAGIC FACE カスタム』のパッケージイラストを担当しました。こだわりの詰まった造形をぜひお楽しみください!
Genre ▶︎ Goods
Release ▶︎ 2020-01-24
I was in charge of the package illustration for the onahole “MAGIC FACE Custom”. You can customize accessories, wigs, glasses, etc. to your liking! We hope you will enjoy the modeling that we have put a lot of attention into!
Genre ▶︎ Goods
Release ▶︎ 2020-01-24
我負責onahole “MAGIC FACE Custom ”的包裝插圖。您可以依照自己的喜好訂製飾品、假髮、眼鏡等!希望您能喜歡我們用心打造的造型!
Genre ▶︎ Goods
Release ▶︎ 2020-01-24
我负责onahole “MAGIC FACE Custom ”的包装插图。您可以根据自己的喜好定制饰品、假发、眼镜等!希望您能喜欢我们用心打造的造型!
Genre ▶︎ Goods
Release ▶︎ 2020-01-24