
迷宮踏破 MonsterGirls

Language ▶︎ 日本語  

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(Translated by DeepL)
Genre ▶︎ Game
Creator ▶︎ ふらむそふと
Release ▶︎ 2015-10-21
I was in charge of illustrations for a non-field type dungeon RPG by “ふらむそふと”. There are 24 monstergirls in total. That's a lot! I was in charge of 6 of them, and I drew 12 naughty pictures. Which one is your favorite?
A spin-off ADV [A Day in the Life of a Monstergirl] featuring Lilith, which I drew in this game, is also now on sale.
Genre ▶︎ Game
Creator ▶︎ ふらむそふと
Release ▶︎ 2015-10-21

The English version of this item is not for sale.

我負責為 「ふらむそふと 」製作的一款非野外類型的地城 RPG 遊戲繪製插圖。總共有 24 個怪物女孩。太多了!我負責其中的 6 幅,畫了 12 幅調皮的畫。你最喜歡哪一幅?
我在遊戲中繪製的以莉莉絲為主角的附帶 ADV『モン娘の一日』也已開始銷售。
Genre ▶︎ Game
Creator ▶︎ ふらむそふと
Release ▶︎ 2015-10-21


我负责为 “ふらむそふと ”制作的一款非野外类型的地牢 RPG 游戏绘制插图。一共有 24 个怪物女孩。太多了!我负责其中的 6 幅,画了 12 幅调皮的画。你最喜欢哪一幅?
我在游戏中绘制的以莉莉丝为主角的附带 ADV『モン娘の一日』也已开始销售。
Genre ▶︎ Game
Creator ▶︎ ふらむそふと
Release ▶︎ 2015-10-21
